Traditional Stair Treads

Traditional stair treads would be the stair steps that are used in most buildings. They could also be used in stairways that you are familiar with. Think of the word tradition and apply it to traditional stairs and you will get a pretty good idea, what traditional stair treads look like.

Shopping For Traditional Stair Treads

Before you get started on your shopping adventure, we need to figure out what the word traditional actually means. Is it Old Fashion, Modern, Victorian or just plain and simple?

The word traditional, basically refers to a wide variety of building materials. It's kind of confusing, but makes sense when you think about. I grew up in a traditional house, without a traditional stairway, but I did have a traditional bedroom and bathroom.

In other words, don't get caught up in the word traditional, when it can be replaced with formal, elegant, spectacular and superb. What you are looking for is a incredible stair tread that will fit into your traditional home, without spending a small fortune.

Do you like wood? Are you looking for an oriental carpet runner that can be used to cover your stairway? If I lived in Japan, my traditional stairway might have been made from stone, but in Eastern Europe, it might've been made from concrete.

Any stair tread that you purchase, can easily fall into the category of traditional stair treads. If you live in a colonial town, you're going to find solid wood stair steps, however if you live in Southern California, you can purchase any stair tread you want to, and call it traditional.

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