Circular Stairways - Building Codes

There are only a few special building codes for circular
stairways. Almost every other stair building code can be applied to this
type of stairway.
Guard railing
minimum tread sizes
maximum risers sizes
tread and riser
Special Note: Circular stairways can be intimidating and difficult to
build correctly. Make sure that you understand and apply all of the
building codes required from your local Building and Safety Department,
before designing or building a set of circular stairs. If the stairs
don't meet local building codes, they could be dangerous for people to
walk up and down, safely.
Minimum inside Radius for Circular Stairs
Minimum Stair Tread Measurements for Circular Stairs
Attention: Don't forget to check with
your local building department to verify any building codes on this
website. This information could be incorrect or outdated. Building codes
are updated regularly and to some building departments have different
interpretations for certain building codes.