Stair Parts
Riser | Tread | Stringer | Stair Landing | Split Landing | Fire Blocking | Stair Riser Nailing | Stair Tread Nailing | Newel Post Stair Backing | Stair Light Switch | Stair LedgerHandrail
Baluster | Banister | Newel Post Stair Backing
The stair
parts above are for a wood framed set of stairs and of course there are
other parts used in assembling the stairs, but these are the major
components for building this type of stairway.
When building metal or concrete stairs you will have treads and
risers and they will be located in approximately the same areas.
Another word for your stair tread would be your step or the area
you place your foot on, while walking up and down the stairs. Use the
links in the upper right hand corner to find out more about the parts
used in constructing a stairway.