Small Brick Stairway

One of the problems with this type of stairs is the bricks will tend to
chip over time. If you notice the top and middle stair treads have
pretty good size chips in the front of the brick.
These chips could be caused from someone dropping a object on them or
from people actually walking up and down over time. There are a number
of reasons why that breaks can't chip creating a possible safety hazard.
Bricks look nice but can sometimes loosen up, crack or get large chips
in them making them a poor choice for stairs. Keep in mind you can get
bricks heated at different temperatures than regular breaks creating a
harder for therefore more durable product to use when building stairs.
Another problem with this kind of stairway is that when you go to open
up the screen door it opens out towards the stairs. So in order to open
the screen door safely you practically have to be standing on the bottom
stair tread or even on the walkway.
This is actually a building code violation and most cities or counties.