Can I Replace Existing Stair Treads With Different Materials?

You can replace any stair tread with a different material that has the same structural properties or equivalent.

For example, a three-quarter inch tread made from oriented strand board could easily be replaced by a three-quarter inch tread made out of plywood, as long as it was structurally rated for that type of use.

In the picture above, the stair builder added an additional piece of half-inch OSB on top of the entire stairway, with the hopes of providing a little more strength.

However, it wouldn't be a bad idea to replace the same materials used, during the original construction, if the stairway remained structurally sound, after replacing the stair treads.

For example, you could replace three-quarter inch plywood with three-quarter inch plywood, but it wouldn't be a good idea to replace three-quarter inch thick plywood, with half-inch thick plywood.

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