Stair Runners
Stair runners provide you with an excellent
alternative to re-carpeting or refurbishing an old stairway. They can
also be used to protect a new or remodeled stairway. Stair runners
usually come in a wide variety of designs and colors and can even be
purchased over the Internet.
Benefits Of Installing Stair Runners
1. They can drastically reduce noise from people walking up and down the stairs. However, some people love the sound of people using their stairway or it provides them with some type of useful warning.2. Stair runners can cover up minor damage and turn an old stairway into something spectacular. If you have a wood or even carpeted stairway with any stains, scratches or other imperfections, a nice piece of carpet, could cover up some of this damage and provide you with a win-win situation.
3. What about safety, if you have a slippery stairway and install a stair runner with a rubber backing or some type of adhesive tape, it could actually prevent people from slipping and possibly injuring themselves.
4. Stair runners need to be securely fastened to the stairway, otherwise you could actually create a safety hazard. If the carpeting is loose or the stair rods aren't attached properly, you could increase your odds of slippage and possible injury.
5. The best thing about stair runners is that they're usually simple to install. Make sure that you read the manufacturer's installation instructions and follow them. I often make this suggestion to do-it-yourselfers and weekend warriors, to read the instructions, but you will also need to follow them, just don't read them.
Like I said earlier, stair runners can spruce up almost any stairway and provide you with additional safety.