2 x 6 Handrail Cap Problem

The 4 x 6 post sticking
up creates two problems. The first is that you can snag something like a
purse or clothing on it
as you are walking up or down. The second problem will be creating a
flat spot on the 4 x 6 post with the end grain of the wood exposed to
the weather.
You can already see some of the damage (cracks) starting as moisture sets
on the level surface a little longer than on sloped ones.
Their are a couple of ways to fix this problem. One
way is to run the 2 x 6 handrail cap over the 4 x 6 post eliminating the end grain
exposure and the post sticking up creating a safety hazard.
The other way would be to extend the upper guard rail wall below the
lower stringer and use one wall instead of two walls as a guard rail. The
key here is to fix all of these problems during the design phase, not after
it has been constructed or while it is being constructed.
you can always compensate and make adjustments while you're building the
stairway, but it will usually be a little easier if you can build the entire
project in your mind or on a piece of paper and work everything out before
you even think about starting to build the stairway.