Cheap Stair Treads
Whenever I think of cheap stair treads, I think of poor quality items, but that's not always the case. If you're really looking for the cheapest stair treads you can possibly find, you should focus on making them yourself. Even professional stair builders like myself will often choose to make their own stair treads, instead of purchasing them from a stair treads supplier.

Cheap Stair Treads And Safety
The picture above provides you with an exterior stairway, with 2 x 12
stair treads. Since I don't know what the history is behind this
particular staircase, I would never know, whether they did or didn't
have any problems.
However, when I walked up and down the stairway, I noticed that the
stair treads actually flexed a little bit. I can only imagine what a
large person would imagine (falling through the stairway) or someone
carrying a few heavy boxes, up the stairway as each tread moved up and
down as they stepped on and off of the steps.
It would have probably cost another $50 dollars and it wouldn't take
much more time to install 3 x 12 stair treads instead of the 2 x 12. I
run into problems like these regularly and they could have easily been
solved, simply by spending a few more dollars and ordering the correct
stair steps.
Cheap Stair Treads And Value
There's a good chance that you're not going to use the word quality and cheap, in the same sentence. It usually takes a little longer to make quality items than it does to make items that are less valuable or won't last as long.Some of these items will require additional materials or materials that cost more money. This in turn will raise the price of the product and usually increased the value and extend the life, of the stair treads or other stair parts.
There is a big difference between buying the cheapest product and buying the lowest price product that will provide you with the best value. Most the time, all it takes is a little research and that's what you're doing right now, to make an informative decision.
Feel free to look for the cheapest stair treads you could possibly find, just don't let them create a safety hazard for your family, in the future.
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