Installing Stair Treads
Installing stair treads isn't as difficult as most people make it out to be. Most of the time, all they need to do is figure out what type of building materials they're going to need, purchase them, measure and then cut them to fit and their done. However, we will try to provide you with a few more interesting tidbits of information, to make your job a little easier.

How To Install Stair Treads

1. The first thing we need to do is measure the width of the stairway in
the depths of the stair tread. For our example, the width of the
stairway is going to be 36 inches and the depth of the stair tread is
going to be 10 inches, plus a 1 inch stair nosing or overhang, making it
11 inches.
2. Our next step will be to lay out a 36" x 11" stair tread on a piece
of oriented strand board, mark it and then cut it. If you're going to
cut more than one stair tread, you can always cut the first stair tread
and then use it as a pattern to mark the rest of them.
3. After we have cut our stair treads, we can place them in position and
nail or screw them into the stair stringers. I like to use at least
three 8d ring shank nails per stringer.

For example, each tread in the picture above will use nine nails, to attach properly to the stair stringers.
It doesn't get any simpler than that.
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