MDF Stair Treads
I don't recommend using medium density fiber board for stair treads or risers. Even though it's a strong product and can be used for cabinets and even other parts of the stairway, it doesn't work well as stair steps. However, you could use it as a covering over plywood or oriented strand board, treads and risers.

MDF Stair Parts
If you're planning on painting certain areas of the stairway, medium
density fiber board could provide you with a superior finished product.
You can use them to cover risers and treads that you're planning on
painting or even skirt boards.
You can even order stairway trim that's made out of this material also.
It really does finish nice, if the right paint is applied properly. I've
seen it swell, when painted with some water-based paints. You're
probably wondering how one person could ever have this much information
about home building and stairway construction.
Well, I either seen it or had it happen to me myself and when it
happened to me personally, it's usually etched in to my mind,
permanently. Whenever something cost you money, you tend to remember it,
a little easier than if it happened to someone else.
Using MDF Outdoors
Don't even think about it, even if you're going to paint it. It expands and contracts when moist or exposed to extreme climates. I could only imagine how this product would react once it became moist and then froze as temperatures drop below freezing.Back To - Stairs / Stair Treads