Pine Stair Treads
Pine is another softwood that scratches, gouges and damages easily. Therefore, I do not recommend using it for a stair tread or risers. Pine is usually white, but can have some reddish brown coloring running through large sections of your lumber.

Even though I don't recommend using Pine, it's used
often, by stair builders and do-it-yourselfers. Pine is one of the most
common softwoods at almost any lumber yard, throughout the United
States. It's relatively inexpensive and this alone, makes it attractive
to plenty of stair builders.
Even though common Pine is inexpensive, clear pine isn't. Don't confuse
the two, otherwise you could find yourself spending a lot of money, on
something that you really didn't need.
Gluing = Excellent, as a matter of fact, every once in a while you will
need to glue a knot back into some of your stairway parts, if you use
Pine, for your stairs.
Sanding = Excellent, as a matter of fact, it can be too easy to sand.
You better pay attention to what you're sanding, especially if you're
using power tools. I've seen sanders dig large holes, in a matter of
seconds, into the side of a spruce fascia board.
Staining = Excellent, I've seen Pine stained in almost every color
imaginable. Like most softwoods though, it will need to be maintained,
Nailing = Excellent, it's one of the softest woods I've ever worked with
and I can't think of one time, I've ever needed to pre-drill a hole,
before using a screw or nail. Try to avoid nailing through knots,
because they often split or are extremely difficult to nail for.
Wear And Tear = Fair, like I said earlier, I wouldn't use Pine for stair
treads or risers, because it scratches easily.
Janka Hardness Scale = 380
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