Tigerwood Stair Treads

Tigerwood is one of the most fascinating pieces of lumber I've ever seen and would make an incredible staircase, if you could afford it. It's generally double the price of Oak, if you're buying it in large quantities.

Let's see if I can describe what Tigerwood actually looks like. I truly believe, that the best description would be to look at the picture above, otherwise I could be here all day. Tigerwood has uncontrollable streaks and grain patterns that run throughout different boards, producing a light brown to dark reddish brown colors.

Gluing = Excellent, even though I've never worked with Tigerwood, because the price is out of this world, I did some research and found out that it is easy to glue.

Sanding = Good, since Tigerwood is so hard, it's going to be difficult to sand, without going through a lot of sandpaper. If you're using a superior grade polishing sandpaper, you will be able to put an incredible polish on these boards.

Staining = I haven't ran across anyone who has ever stained Tigerwood. I would imagine that you could stain it, without any problems, but you would need to have your head examined, first. It's already a nice looking hardwood, without any stain.

Nailing = Extremely Difficult, plan on pre-drilling your holes and you could even have problems with screws, after the hole has been pre-drilled. I've never used this wood, but I would imagine that it's extremely difficult to nail, even with a pneumatic nail gun.

Wear And Tear = Excellent, since it's one of the hardest of the hardwoods, I could only imagine that it would be difficult to wear down, while using it on your staircase.

Janka Hardness Scale = 1850

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