Installing Stair Stringers

If you've done your planning correctly, assembling the stairs and installing the stair stringers, won't be a problem. However, if you didn't, you better pay attention to this section.

Nail the stair stringer into its proper position, but only place one nail, in the stair stringer or enough nails to provide temporary support, for the stair stringer. Just in case you need to remove it.

Now you will need to take your measuring tape and measure the bottom and top riser section of the stair stringers. Make sure that the riser measurements, in these areas are going to work, with your plan.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. If I have a 7 1/2 inch riser and measure the bottom of my stair stringer and its 8 inches, I've got a problem. This would be the perfect time, to remove the stair stringer and make the necessary adjustments.

Remember, any adjustments you make to one stair stringer, will need to be made to the others.

This would also be the perfect time to pull out your level and check a few of the stair steps, to make sure that they are perfectly level. Again, if they aren't then it wouldn't be a bad idea to make the necessary adjustments or even lay out and cut a new stair stringer.

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