Stairway With Landing

The second easiest
stairway to build, would be one with a landing. However, if the landing
doesn't have any supporting walls, under the stairway, then it won't be
as easy to build as one that does.
The biggest problem most stair builders have, including professional
stair builders, with building stairs with landings is locating the
landing, in the right spot. Even I, experienced difficulties when I was
younger, locating the landing, in the exact spot and that's why I'm
sharing this information with you.
Take your time and double check your measurements, before building any
of your landings supporting walls or building the landing, peroid.
1. Make sure that you follow and
understand your local building codes. I've already created a
list of stair building codes that are generally accepted throughout
the United States, but not all of them are accepted, by everyone.
2. Make sure that your stairway has a
minimum landing width of 36 inches, if possible. These are finished
measurements, not rough measurements and if your stairway doesn't meet
your local building codes, you could have more problems, then you ever
possibly imagined, with your local building department.
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