Bottom Stairway Building Code Problem

The bottom of this set of stairs looks
extremely nice with rounded treads and risers. I love the use of the
white risers with the stained wood stair treads.
I really don't see a need for the column on the right. If it is a
decorative column it would have looked better at the base of the stairs
in my opinion obviously.
Sitting on top of the stair landing it creates an obstacle for anyone walking
up and down the stairs.
Now you are probably wondering why this stairway doesn't meet most
building codes. Number one reason being the stairway does not have a
guard rail
or a continuous gripable handrail on the left side of the stairs.
Now before we get carried away and start making judgments about whether
or not this particular stairway is safe or meets local building codes, we
will need to consider the facts that this particular building might have
been built before newer building codes were established or in areas that did
not require building inspections or permits.
I know stairs like this
looks great and sometimes look even better on paper, during the design
phase, but sometimes stairs like these can become the ultimate safety
Having no gripable handrail or
guard rail
at certain sections,
added to the change of direction that creates step variations, along with
the shiny slick surface of the wood stair treads and it's only a matter of
time before someone slips and falls. Keep these considerations in mind,
while you're designing and building your stairs.