Ironwood Stair Treads
Ironwood ranges in color from light brown to dark brown. It usually has darker grains running through the boards, giving it a distinct look. It is an extremely hard wood and believe it or not, actually sinks in water.

Even though it's rarely used on the interior of a
home, Ironwood will provide you with a long-lasting exterior staircase,
deck or walkway. Believe it or not, this wood is so hard, that termites
and even fungus will choose something else, before even thinking about
making it their home.
Gluing = Good, I've never glued ironwood, but did some research and
found out that it can be glued with moderate results.
Sanding = Good Luck, this is one of the hardest woods and it's going to
be difficult to sand or cut. Some of the harder woods, will be extremely
difficult to work with, unless you have the right power tools.
Staining = Good Luck, this product is difficult to stain but should be
treated regularly, if used outdoors. If it's exposed to sunlight,
without some type of wood treatment, it will start to fade and turn
Nailing = Good Luck, like I said earlier, this is one of the harder
woods and you will need to pre-drill each one of your nail or screw
holes. Some of these hardwoods actually feel like they're made out of
metal, simply because they're so tough.
Wear And Tear = Excellent, since Ironwood is one of the harder woods
available on the market today, you can plan on relatively little wear
and tear. Whenever you run into a hardwood that's difficult to nail or
sand, you've practically found the ideal stair tread, even though you
might think twice before using it for anything else.
Janka Hardness Scale = 2890 This is one of the hardest woods, as a
matter of fact there are only a handful that are harder.
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