Rubber Stair Runners

Rubber stair runners can be used to protect your stairway and to increase safety. There's a good chance that you won't ever use one of these in your house, but they work great in industrial and commercial buildings. These runners can also be used down hallways, garages and through out the rest of the building.

Before you purchase any rubber stair runners, I need to point something out to you. The biggest problem I found with this product is that it can tear and keep tearing. Especially when you install it over 13 individual stair treads and their nosing.

Remember, the main areas that you're going to be stepping on, while walking up and down the stairway, will be the front edge of the stair tread. This is where most of the wear and tear will occur, on any stair runner.

Any time you bend or lap any materials over a stair step, you're increasing the chances of it becoming damaged. However, there is an alternative. You can purchase rubber stair mats or antiskid step covering. This will usually provide you with a low-profile, slip resistant covering that won't be wrapping around your stair nosing.

If you don't like black, see if you can find the rubber stair runners in different colors. Good luck, they're like tires, they usually only come in one color.

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