Rubber Stair Treads
Rubber stair treads provide building owners with additional protection, especially if they already have smooth stair treads or steps. If you're looking for an inexpensive way to provide your stair users with additional traction, rubber stair treads could be your answer. However, make sure that you always follow the manufacturer's recommended installation instructions.

Before You Use Rubber Stair Treads, Read This
One of the biggest problems I found with rubber stair treads is that
some of them are just too darn thick. One time I ran across a rubber
stair tread mat that was almost three quarters of an inch thick. That
might not sound like much, until you lay it on top of a
concrete step
with a 4 inch riser.
If I was to add a 3/4" mat on top of anyone of my steps, it's going to
increase the length of the lower riser and decrease the rise of the one.
The only way to solve this problem would be to add the same rubber stair
tread to each one of the steps, including the top and bottom floor area.
Before you order any stair treads, make sure that you understand
everything about the product. This would include the width, length and
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