Watch Your Step Tape
This has got to be one of the best inventions, for single steps that are difficult to see, ever. Most of us can't even imagine what it's like to have problems with our vision, until we get older. I've seen older people hit their heads on low ceilings and other building parts. Watch your step tape could also be attached to some of these objects, to prevent head injuries.

How Do You Use, Watch Your Step Tape?
The safety tape should run parallel to the upper section, in each stair riser that you're concerned with. Simply peel the tape off and stick it to each stair riser, that you have a safety concern with.
What If I Can't Find Any Safety Tape?
A better question would be, what if you just don't feel like buying
any," Watch Your Step Tape." If that's the case, find some red or yellow
paint and paint the top section of the riser or risers.
The main point I would like to make is that some steps are a safety
hazard, especially if they blend in with the environment. My biggest
concern with safety problems like these are single steps, made out of
For example, I lived in an apartment building one time that had one
concrete step and it was actually in a bad location. I don't know how
many times I watched someone trip over this step and one instance, the
person actually fell.
I'm not about to suggest that you place," Watch your step tape," all
over your property, but I would like to suggest that you take the advice
that I've given you and apply it to your buildings, workplace and other
areas, where you think that safety, might be a concern.
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