Measuring Staircase

Okay everyone, it's
time to put your thinking caps on and pay attention. Hopefully you
haven't skipped ahead and are following the simple stair building
instructions, in order.
If you have a set of building plans, hopefully you won't need to figure
out how many stair treads or risers you need, but you will need to
verify the amount of stair treads and risers, to make sure that
everything works out, per plans.
It's not uncommon to have an architect or building designer provide you
with incorrect measurements. If you're stairway doesn't meet local
building codes and could create construction problems, then you should
contact your architect, engineer or contractor, for more information.
- How To Figure And Calculate Stair Risers
- How To Figure And Calculate Stair Run
- How To Figure And Calculate Stair Rise or Overall Height
Important Stair Measuring Tip
What I'm about to tell you is very important and I've been doing it for years, with excellent results. I always measure everything twice, especially my total stairway run and rise. I write these numbers down and double check every calculation I make, to verify that they're correct, before moving to the next step.I don't care how many times you need to read the upper paragraph again, but this construction tip, for measuring staircases, could create a lot of frustration and cost you a lot of money, if it isn't followed.
Back To - How To Build Stairs
Next - How Many Steps or How Many Risers