How Do I Fasten The Lower Section of The Stairway To A Concrete Foundation?
The picture above shows two 4 x 12 stair stringers
sitting on top of a concrete pad, with an
L bracket attached to each one
on the inside. This is an excellent way to attach the bottom of larger
stair stringers like these, to a concrete foundation.
Here's a closer look at the L bracket. There are two
lag bolts going into the stair stringer and two going into the concrete
The lag bolts should be pre-drilled, otherwise larger lag screws like
these can and often do crack the stair stringer. The two screws or bolts
going into the concrete, would require some type of
anchoring system,
like lead or plastic sleeves, along with a predrilled hole in the
You could also use some type of
anchor bolt epoxy system, but the most difficult
part of this process, will be to drill the holes in the
concrete. This
usually requires a hammer drill and the exact sized drill bit, to match
either the epoxy system you're going to use or the lead anchors.
This is the most common way to attach conventional
framed stairways to a building foundation. Stair stringers will sit
directly on top of treated lumber base plates and will be fastened
securely with some type of shot and pin anchoring tool.
Here is a close-up of the stair stringer sitting on
top of three pieces of treated 2 x 4. Some stairways will only require
two pieces, while others might require four.
If you're not sure how many boards you need under the bottom of your
stair stringer, then take the more is better attitude. Four it is always
going to be better than three and three is always going to be better
than two.
The arrows in the picture above or pointing to the
pins that are driven with a specialized tool into the concrete
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