Basic Stair Building Tools
Stair Framing Tool List

Framing Square
- Let's start with the most important tool, the framing square. This is
going to be your best friend and if you do not have a framing square and
you're planning on building a set of stairs, get one. The framing square
will be used for square cuts and stringer layout.
Stair Gauges - These little
guys are inexpensive and a must-have, if you're building a long
stairway, but if you're not interested in spending any extra money, you
can do without them. They attach to your framing square and reduce the
amount of errors you will make, while laying out your stair stringers.
Measuring Tape - Don't even get
started building your stairway, if you don't have a tape measure. Take
measures are used by builders, carpenters and construction workers for
measuring and transferring measurements to lumber, tile and other
building materials.
Calculator - If you're not good
at math, then you better get a calculator, but it is possible to build a
stairway without one. Calculators can provide you with efficient
calculations, while multiplying and dividing your total stair run and
total stair rise, to figure out the size, of your stair treads and
Saw - Well, I guess you could use a hand saw, but I should be honest
with you, that's how the old-timers did it, like my grandfather. If
you're planning on building a set of stairs today, a circular saw is a
must. Circular saws can speed up the stair building process, like you
wouldn't believe.
Level - If you want your stairs to
be nice and Straight, vertically and horizontally, you should consider
purchasing a level. However, I have built plenty of stairs without one,
but that's me, not you. Do yourself a favor, if you don't have a level,
beg borrow or steal, but get one.
Saw Guide - Saw guides are handy for
making repetitive cuts, especially when you're building a lot of stairs,
but won't be necessary, if you're only going to be building one set of
stairs. A saw guide attaches to your circular saw and will allow you to
cut your treads and risers, efficiently.
Hammer - Yes, unless you're
planning on screwing the entire stairway together, you need a hammer.
Hammer's are used to drive nails into wood and make a wide variety of
Chalk Line - A Chalk line can
be used to create a nice Straight line, whether it's on a piece of wood,
wall, ceiling or even on the floor. You won't need a
chalk line, if
you're building a small stairway, up to six steps, but anything longer,
just might require one of these handy construction tools.
Pencil - This is a no-brainer
and everyone should have a pencil that they can use to build their
stairs. Pencils will be used for marking precise measurements and any
old pencil will work just fine.
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